Friday, December 3, 2010

"But Not Forgoten" Sound Bite

  I know I didn't do this last week, I did wake up at 2:00 that day (Black Friday) to go shopping (It was oddly fun and I don't even like shopping) so I was out of it the rest of the day and that's my excuse for forgetting. And I barley remembered to do it today.
  This is by Dave Arnold from the episode right after Whit left in "Gone...".
   "The scene in, 'But Not Forgotten,' might sound a little too real, my son, Landon, is an adult now, but at the time, he played the role of scrub. We were in the studio recording his lines, but he wasn't getting into the emotion of the scene very well. We kept giving him direction and after a while it got too much for the little guy, and the tears started to flow. Instead of stopping to console him we realized that we should get the lines in while he was feeling the emotion of the part. The result was a powerful scene and a lot of razzing from my friends about being a heartless father. (By the way Landon was fine afterward and we have a great relationship to this day. Phew!)"
  - The Official Guide p.239
  Even though that is kind of sad it did make a wonderful scene!

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading this in the guide. It does sound a little heartless, but it did make a nice scene. That album is one of my favorites, I especially like the way they did Gone... with clips from other episodes for Whit's part(s).


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