Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear Focus on the Family,

  This week in school I had to write a business letter to someone and so (of course) I wrote to Focus on the Family.  First of all I should say that I do not really agree with all of the criticism of albums 51 and 52. They aren't my favorite albums but I do really like them. I think that we should give FOTF suggestions but I don't want to constantly be telling them that they are doing a bad job. I want to be encouraging to them since I do LOVE AIO. So here is a portion of that letter.

Dear Focus on the Family,

I am a big fan of Adventures in Odyssey. I have been listening since I was six years old, and I now have all 52 albums.  I listen to it every day and love reading “The Official Guide.” I have really enjoyed the past two albums that you have put out even though they have gotten a lot of criticism from AIO websites and reviews. But there are a few suggestions that I would like to make.

A lot of people have said that they want the “old Odyssey back” and I think that what they mean is that they miss seeing Connie and Eugene growing in there relationships with each other and God.

It seems to me that Connie has lost a lot of her personality. And what I mean by that is that she used to always be falling and then getting back up and learning from her mistakes. She was always seemed like so much fun to be around. Now she is more irritable and Katie Leigh’s acting seems to be a little bit over the top.

I would also like to see the kids of Odyssey being more spiritual. I miss it when I would hear kids making spiritual choices for themselves; such as in “Choices” when Lucy had to make the decision of whether or not to write the article about evolution. Or where Robin chose not to go to the party in “The Courage to stand” and when she decided to study her bible in “A Worker Approved.”  Those are episodes that now, at fourteen I can still apply to my life.


  1. I agree with your thoughts on Connie--you're right that she seems to have grown a little stale. And I think you're also right that AIO's kid characters aren't very relatable these days, that many of the situations that the kids get into don't help us as listeners deal with making choices and following their good examples.

    Anyway, good business letter! :-D


  2. Cool. I've used AIO before in schoolwork.

  3. Nice....I remember writing business in school.
    Do you do A.C.E. in school?

  4. You know what, I don't think I A.C.E in school because I don't know what that is. But who knows I might!


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