Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Green Ring Conspiracy

  Last Friday, when I went to the Christian book store I looked at the AIO albums and was so surprised to see three "Green Ring Conspiracy" albums. I looked them over, held them and contemplated on buying one. I was overjoyed to hold one before they came out. It was funny because last year on March 1, I was calling to see if they had album 51 and I continued calling them every day until I got it on March 12. Now I have already listened to album 53 and it is in stores early when I don't need it to be. I decided to wait for a little while longer to but one, since I have already listened to it.
  I want to tell you all of my thoughts on the album but that would give away so many surprises to I will try to tell you what I thought of it without giving anything away.
  •   I loved the returning character, and its voice
  •   I was completely surprised at who the stilletto was
  •   Most of the new characters were great, I hope we hear from them again
  •   At the end I was left with a ton of questions, that's good and bad at the same time, it makes me want to listen to album 54
  •   Over all I loved it
  That's all I think that I can tell you at the moment. I will be reviewing the first episode next week.


  1. Ugh! Now I'm even more impatient to hear all of the episodes as they air on the radio! I almost wish I'd bought them ahead of time like you did! :)

  2. Cool. Which Christian book store?

  3. @ Luke- It is called Family Christian stores, but they are really expensive there, you can find them other places for half as much.


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