Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"The Green Ring Conspiracy Part 3" Review


  We finally got to hear more about Connie's classes and we meet Penny Wise and Dr. Trask. Penny's name apparently from something else that I don't know about, and she is a slightly odd. I am surprised that Connie actually likes her. It seems as though she might get frustrated with her like she did with Lindsay in "The Best of Enemies."
  Penny was very vague about her Christian kind of praying. Which sounds suspicious. And Dr. Trask has a very strange soft and kind of creepy voice and my first impression of him was that he seemed like a person who might turn on them later. (I am not saying I was right or wrong)
  There were many objects in the backpack aside from the counterfeit money there was a book, "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens, a flight plan and a revised one, A map of Odyssey with trickle lake circled and a sheet of paper with hand written numbers. Is it a coincidence that Buck's last name is Oliver and the book in the backpack was Oliver Twist? I still don't know; I am not sure if I missed it or if they never mentioned it again.
  Buck responded to the job opening at Whit's End in search for Dirk Beggs phone and meets Emily, I won't say much about that except that I thought detective Emily would be smarter than that.
  Agent Tanner is also introduced. I don't like the performance of her actress so far or her personality.
  A Rabbit with fangs? That's bad. A 20-30 something year old should know that rabbits don't have fangs. And then she does an amazing job on a replication the Monet Lisa.
 Okay, I don't really have much to say since these episodes don't have a full plot with a conclusion.


When I got onto the computer this morning I saw this:

"How so many clowns fit into a circus car - An insider reveals the secrets behind being able to stuff in 21 zany performers."

That sounds exactly like "Like Father Like Wooton." Doesn't it?


  1. I'd like to see that clown thing. :) Hey, did you you get your certificate yet?

  2. You're welcome. Thanks for entering. :)


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