When Whit's End sponsors a band camp, Matthew, Jay, and Barrett compete in a musical scavenger hunt.
This episode to me was enjoyable; still not my favorite in the album, but I liked it fine. It was very detailed with all of the extremely complex clues for the scavenger hunt and we got to learn something about the geography of the "new Odyssey". The episode had to require much music knowledge from the writers that were involved. I'm very surprised that so many of the kids in Odyssey are so musically talented, I mean those clues and questions are not something that your average kid-who-plays-an-instrument would know. I have played the flute for six years and I had no idea what the answers were to any of those questions, but then again music is by all means not my forte.
Has anyone else noticed that bullies, or Odyssey bullies at least, always call kids by their last name? Such as Jay calling Barrett, Jones rather than Barrett, and calling Matthew, Parker rather than Matthew; just as Rodney used to call Alex, Jefferson. Just an observation.
I just listened to "Game for a Mystery" for the first time in a long time, and I cannot believe how different Barrett’s voice sounds. It must have been a little gradual, because I didn't think it was that big of a difference before, but now it sounds like a totally different person. At first I wasn't too sure whether I liked it or not but now I am. It sounds so much better. If you haven’t listened to "Game for a Mystery" in a while I would recommend going back and taking note of how different his voice sounds.
All through the episode it was predictable. I could tell that somehow Barrett was going to win, at the end I was wondering how, when the odds seemed to be so much against him, but I knew that justice would prevail as it always does in Odyssey.
I was very surprised to see Matthew and Jay paired up although I'm sure Jay wasn't Matthew’s first choice. In fact I was surprised to see Matthew there at all, and doing so well since Emily said in "Stage Fright" that she and Matthew didn't have musical talent. But with Matthews’s knowledge about seemingly everything and by reading the music book, I guess he would do well.
So yes, in all this episode was very enjoyable and entertaining.
Rating: 4/5