Sunday, December 26, 2010

The End of Album 52

  Now that album 52 had ended I am not sure what exactly I will post about but hopefully there will be new news about album 53. I think that some episode summaries and a better picture of the cover are due. So I will be looking forward to seeing them.
  Yesterday I was listening to "The Mystery of the Clock Tower," and there is something that I don't understand. Why did Oliver Drevil lead Whit and Connie to his sons apartment and give them all of those clues when he was in on the robbery? Or did he not know about it until the end? Please answer that in the comments if you can.


  1. To answer your question, Oliver did that on purpose! He was trying to help them solve what they thought was a mystery, although he knew it was just a diversion to keep them away from the bank during the robbery. But Whit figured it out at the last minute.

  2. Merry Christmas Jessa, (Little late...though....)

  3. @Freddy Jay: Merry Christmas to you too.


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